The COMUNIDAD project is pleased to introduce Professor Johnny Valencia-Calvo, the administrative leader of the COMUNIDAD project at the University of Aysén. His expertise in remote sensing, data processing, and the development of computing solutions for pilot projects in Chile is integral to the project's success. Professor Valencia received his Electronics Engineering and Industrial Automation degrees from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2010 and 2012, respectively, followed by a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences and Decision in 2016.
As an Assistant Professor at the University of Aysén, he specializes in dynamic analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and system dynamics, focusing on modelling, simulation, and applying mathematics in engineering. His research interests span dynamic analysis, numerical methods, and system dynamics, supported by robust skills in modelling, simulation, experimentation, and applied mathematics. Leading initiatives to foster science, technology, and innovation, Professor Valencia is dedicated to forming and integrating teams around these themes. His current research includes remote sensing, analysis, modelling, and simulation based on system dynamics, focusing on decision-making, knowledge management, and smart lands. He is spearheading the establishment of the Data, Modeling, and Simulation Center in Patagonia, Chile, to enhance public policy design through a digital ecosystem, leveraging technology and science-based solutions.
On March 21st and 22nd, 2024, The COMUNIDAD consortium met in Madrid, Spain, for our project's official kick-off meeting. This landmark event brought representatives from the eight project partners together to discuss the way forward and the action points to ensure the project's success. During this event, we captured insights from each representative of the project consortium to obtain their perspectives and insights on the COMUNIDAD project.
Stay tuned for insights from other consortium members, and follow us on social media, where we share regular updates on the COMUNIDAD project outcome!
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