Connecting Europe and Latin America – COMUNIDAD project kick-off meeting in Spain!
The kick-off meeting, held in Madrid, Spain, on March 21st and 22nd, 2024, marked the official launch of the COMUNIDAD project. This groundbreaking initiative, supported by Horizon Europe (grant agreement: No.101131859), will unite Europe and Latin America to harness the power of Copernicus data and EGNSS for sustainable agriculture and forestry in Chile and Colombia.
The project brings together 8 partners, 4 from Chile and Colombia and 4 from European countries, with the aim of developing, testing, and implementing a framework that will use this data to create a platform that fosters collaboration, innovation, and policy development for a greener future. Through pilot applications, the project will not just transform landscapes but also shape long-term policy strategies for sustainable growth.
The two-day interactive face-to-face and online kick-off meeting not only brought all project partners together but also set the foundation for collaboration and to achieve the set goals of the project. The agenda covered a range of topics across structured sessions, spanning from project management to presenting the diverse work packages (WPs) and their trajectory throughout the project’s duration.
Day 1 – COMUNIDAD kick-off meeting
In the first session, Work Package 1 (WP1) took the lead, diving into the project management structure and tools, contractual obligations, deliverables, and reporting. Then the EUSPA representative provided insights into the project reporting plans and offered suggestions for the way forward. This session was followed by the WP2, which outlined System Architecture Design and Development; then WP5, led by the BRT/CZU, presented the way forward for the development of the COMUNIDAD Platform (a complex platform providing services and methods utilising Copernicus and GEOSS data and services for end users in Chile and Colombia). Thereafter, the WP4 on Applications and Services for Forestry/Agriculture & Pilot Localities was presented. Rounding out day 1, the WP3 - Training and Workshops in Chile and Colombia was presented; this session, like all others, was highlighted by in-depth discussions on the objectives, tasks, and deliverables of the WP.
Day 2 – COMUNIDAD kick-off meeting
Day two kicked off with the presentation of WP6, which focused on the dissemination and Exploration of the COMUNIDAD project. During the presentation of this WP, which was also led by the BRT/CZU, our team provided an overview of the objectives, tasks, deliverables, and visual identity of the project. Discussions encompassed communication plans, exploitation strategy, establishment of an advisory board and creation of the project website, logo, graphics and all other communication and dissemination materials. The team also conducted a survey with the attendees to collect their insights, ensure transparency and collaboration, and set the foundation for the project's communication and exploitation strategies.
Of course, there were also plenty of coffee breaks and delicious Spanish food! This provided the perfect setting to further strengthen the team through one-on-one discussions and interactive group dialogues. After each break, we were left feeling inspired and with renewed energy, ready to take on the next session.
As the Lean of the WPs, the BRT seized the moment to meet the COMUNIDAD team to conduct a few WP6 activities. We not only carried out the survey but also conducted video interviews with all consortium members to gain insights into their roles within the project. These interviews will be featured on the project website and social media channels to provide a better understanding of each member's role and to introduce our COMUNIDAD team globally.
Stay tuned for more updates on the COMUNIDAD project!
For more details on COMUNIDAD activities, follow us on social media for regular updates and highlights.

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