The COMUNIDAD project is pleased to introduce our expert member from our partner institution in Chile, the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA), Francine Brossard, FIA Executive Director and Legal Representative.
Francine Brossard began her professional career in the area of analysis and studies of the Joint Agricultural Division of the United Nations (ECLAC-FAO) for almost a decade. She then joined the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile (MINAGRI) to collaborate in the creation of the Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA), and to direct the Information Unit, specialized in information management and strategic monitoring in agricultural innovation. She developed important projects and initiatives that are now publicly recognized, highlighting: the creation of the National Commission for Equal Opportunities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile (MINAGRI) and the Regional Commissions throughout the country; the Rural ICT Roundtable with the participation of all institutions dependent on MINAGRI and aimed at disseminating ICT experiences in the forestry and agricultural sector; the Chilean Forestry and Agricultural Information Network (Redagrochile) and the creation of the first virtual agricultural communities in Chile (YoAgricultor BID-FIA project). She is requested again by ECLAC as an Economic Affairs Officer of ECLAC, in the Agricultural Development Unit, in charge of carrying out support missions to countries in the Latin American region, especially Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, and Chile, collaborating in the publication of documents developed by UDA, and conducting international workshops and seminars. Her significant experience allows her to develop as an international consultant in Rural ICT for the World Bank, FAO, IICA and ECLAC, advising various countries in Latin America and French-speaking Africa on topics of specialization in the agricultural sector, Information and Communication Technologies, and gender issues. Currently, she continues to advise on projects as an international consultant in various countries, on topics of innovation in the agricultural sector, with emphasis on new information and communication technologies, strategic prospecting and monitoring in agricultural innovation, and gender issues in the rural world. She stands out for her territorial approach and her close work with small producers, agricultural cooperatives and rural and indigenous women's associations, where she participates in their advice. AWARDS: In 2005, she was awarded by the Minister of Agriculture for her support on gender issues. In 2012, she was awarded E-agriculture by FAO for her ongoing support of ICTs in Agriculture. In 2014, she was awarded EDUCAGRI-France as the “Grand Temoin” of the “First Forum of the Franco-Chilean Agricultural Education Network 2014”
On March 21st and 22nd, 2024, The COMUNIDAD consortium met in Madri, Spain, for our project's official kick-off meeting. This landmark event brought representatives from the eight project partners together to discuss the way forward and the action points to ensure the project's success. During this event, we captured insights from each representative of the project consortium to obtain their perspectives and insights on the COMUNIDAD project.
Stay tuned for insights from other consortium members, and follow us on social media, where we share regular updates on the COMUNIDAD project outcome!
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