Workshops & Training

The COMUNIDAD project will increase awareness of the capability of Copernicus services and GEOSS data and tools through training events and workshops in Chile, Colombia, and Spain.

The framework and requirement analysis for the utilisation of Copernicus downstream services in Chile and Colombia will be prepared to understand the links between current farming practices, rural policies, and the concept of smart/sustainable agriculture/forestry to be incorporated into the COMUNIDAD Platform. The vulnerabilities of current systems due to climate change will be identified, and a set of downstream services for CELAC countries (with a focus on Chile and Colombia) will be defined based on DIAS or other existing platforms. Participation of partners involved in international GEO initiatives will be ensured by organising the Advisory Board. The participation of industry, in particular SMEs, will be facilitated thanks to well-known partners of COMUNIDAD in the respective domain. Training events will be organised to support different target groups (see the WP3).
We will define training materials content with definition of target audience, develop training materials and scenarios for workshops and will organise training events, workshops, and hackathons for defined target participants.
Stakeholders and citizens will engage with the COMUNIDAD activities through local training and regional workshops (hackathons) to help connect the COMUNIDAD Platform with their experiences, aspirations, and perspectives for the future. Stakeholders will identify their needs in participatory processes and influence project direction and outputs, affecting assumptions, scope, targets, and features.
The first introduction workshop and regional training events and workshops in pilot CELAC countries will be implemented every 6 months. Regional workshops will be organised in both pilot countries on consecutive dates. Where the main goal of each regional workshop will be to train to use the COMUNIDAD platform based on the current released version and for future final state.
Stay tuned for more details on upcoming workshops, training and hackatons!