
Work Package 1 (WP1) - Project management
Work Package 1 is led by LESPRO – Lesprojekt sluzby sro. This WP will coordinate the project activities, ensure quality and timely project execution and deliverables, and carry out the scientific, financial, and administrative management of the project.

Work package 2 (WP2) – System architecture design and development
Work Package 2 is led by BOSC—Baltic Open Solutions Center SIA with the participation of LESP, CZU, UAYSEN, UAM, CENICAFE, and FIA. In this WP, we will collect and define requirements from pilots for services and applications, design the main architecture components of the platform, and integrate existing components and services. It will also design the COMUNIDAD platform infrastructure.

Work package 3 (WP3) – Training and workshops in Chile and Colombia
Work Package 3 is led by LESPRO – Lesprojekt sluzby sro. and SOCIALINNOLABS—Fundacion Socialinnolabs, with the participation of CZU. Here, we will define the training materials content with a definition of the target audience, develop training materials and scenarios for workshops, and organise training events, workshops, and hackathons for defined target participants.

Work package 4 (WP4) - Applications and services for forestry/agriculture
Work package 4 is led by UAYSEN with the participation of CENICAFE, FIA, CZU and UAM – Universidad Autonoma de Manizales. This WP will develop COPERNICUS downstream services and APPS for pilot users, supporting smart decision tools via the COMUNIDAD Platform. Tools will be tested with partners and stakeholders in Chile and Colombia. Goals include producing high-resolution downstream services, developing farm activity planning (Colombia) and forest management services (Chile), creating agro-climatic indicators for climate risk and policy, and assessing conventional and smart farming and forestry impacts. Data products will be validated for completeness, precision, and accuracy against the spatiotemporal targets of the climate services and smart decision tools.

Work package 5 (WP5) – COMUNIDAD Platform
Work package 5 is led by CZU – Czech University of Life Sciences Prague with the participation of BOSC; LESP, UAM, UAYSEN SINNO, CENICAFE and FIA. Within this WP, we will carry out the initial development of the COMUNIDAD platform (a complex platform providing services and methods utilising Copernicus and GEOSS data and services for final users in Chile and Colombia) based on requirements collected in WP2 and the utilisation of components defined by WP2. This WP will also conduct the internal testing of the COMUNIDAD platform and preparation of the initial release for workshops and hackathons. Here is the final development of the COMUNIDAD platform based on pilot testing, and workshop feedback will also be conducted.

Work package 6 (WP6) – Dissemination and exploitation
Work package 6 is also led by CZU – Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in collaboration with all participants. This WP will enhance awareness among various groups through engagement and knowledge sharing. It will guarantee interoperability with the Climate-ADAPT platform in the EU, Copernicus data from the related thematic area, other related projects, and the CELAC programmes and projects and other initiatives, ensuring clustering and coordination with other related EU/National/International projects and CELAC initiatives. It will also introduce an exploitation strategy focusing on stakeholders, the scientific community, and decision-makers' engagement.