University of Aysén
Institution - General description:
The University of Aysén, located in Coyhaique—the heart of Chilean Patagonia—is one of Chile's most recently established state universities, currently in its foundational phase. It boasts three academic departments: Natural Sciences and Technology, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities. With approximately 700 students and 50 faculty members, the university is nestled in one of Chile’s largest regions, yet it is characterized by the lowest population density in the country.
Focused on addressing regional issues specific to Patagonia, the University of Aysén leads academic projects across its departments, fostering a deep connection between education and the area's unique environmental and social challenges. This commitment positions the university as a pivotal institution for pioneering research and education in one of the world’s most captivating natural landscapes.
Main website:
Team Bio:
Department of Natural Sciences and Technology, University of Aysén
The Department of Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Aysén is dedicated to advancing knowledge in the fields of natural sciences and technology, focusing on the dynamics and processes of nature and the sustainable management of natural resources. Situated in a challenging climatic context, the department promotes sustainable development through its rigorous academic programs in Agronomy, Forestry Engineering, Industrial Civil Engineering, and Computer Science Engineering.
The department's mission encompasses fostering basic and applied research aimed at sustainable agriculture, responsible management of forest and water resources, and innovative technological development. It focuses on two main knowledge areas:
Sustainable Biosphere: This area is committed to research, teaching, and community engagement in applied ecology, climate change, and regional dynamics, particularly emphasizing sustainability in the Patagonia-Aysén region.
Applied Sciences and Engineering: The objective here is to generate, transfer, and apply knowledge that drives sustainable progress through interdisciplinary research, comprehensive education, and community involvement with a strong focus on applied sciences and engineering disciplines.
In WP4, the Department of Natural Sciences and Technology collaborates to develop and provide COPERNICUS downstream services and related apps. These services support smart decision-making tools used by pilot users in Chile and Colombia, enhancing farm and forest management, and facilitating climate risk mitigation through agro-climatic indicators. The department plays a crucial role in validating the completeness, precision, and accuracy of data products relevant to the spatial and temporal scales of climate services and decision-making tools.
- Link to the team website:
Institutional social media links:
- Facebook: Universidad de Aysén
- Instagram: @universidad_de_aysen
Bio - individual team members:

Johnny Valencia Calvo: Professor Johnny Valencia-Calvo plays a role as the administrative leader of the COMUNIDAD project at the University of Aysén. His expertise in remote sensing, data processing, and the development of computing solutions for pilot projects in Chile is integral to the project's success. Professor Valencia received his degrees in Electronics Engineering and Industrial Automation from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2010 and 2012, respectively, followed by a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences and Decision in 2016.
Currently, as an Assistant Professor at the University of Aysén, he specializes in dynamic analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and system dynamics, with a focus on modeling, simulation, and applying mathematics in engineering. His research interests span dynamic analysis, numerical methods, and system dynamics, supported by robust skills in modeling, simulation, experimentation, and applied mathematics. Leading initiatives to foster science, technology, and innovation, Professor Valencia is dedicated to forming and integrating teams around these themes. His current research includes remote sensing, analysis, modeling, and simulation based on system dynamics, with a focus on decision-making, knowledge management, and smart lands. He is spearheading the establishment of the Data, Modeling, and Simulation Center in Patagonia, Chile, to enhance public policy design through a digital ecosystem, leveraging technology and science-based solutions.

Gerard Olivar Tost: Gerard Olivar-Tost (Member, IEEE) received his degree in mathematics from Universitat de Barcelona in 1987 and his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 1997. He served as an Associate Professor at UPC's Department of Applied Mathematics IV for 17 years, focusing on nonlinear dynamics and chaos in DC-DC converters.
In 2005, he moved to Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, where he was a Full Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science for ten years. Since 2015, he has been a Full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, concentrating on applying mathematics to health and development. He coordinates a lab on engineering mathematics and is the former President of COSIAM (Colombian Section of SIAM). Currently, he is a Full Professor at the University of Aysén in Chile.
His research interests span complex systems, bifurcations, nonlinear dynamics, sustainable development, and real-world applications of applied mathematics.

Marcelo Sanhueza: Marcelo Alejandro Sanhueza Ulloa is a Forestry Engineer with a degree in Forest Sciences from Universidad Austral de Chile. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Aysén, where he will be responsible for six courses, including two practical ones, starting in 2022. He also serves as the head of the Forestry Engineering program.
With fifteen years of experience in the forestry sector, Marcelo has worked in both public and private sectors and collaborated as a research assistant in universities and research centers. His career focuses on forestry and community development, dendroenergy, non-timber forest products (NTFPs), and rural women's issues. Notably, he has led the implementation of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Rural Women (REDLAC) in Chile and served as an advisor to various organizations, including the Patagonia Verde Agroforestry Trade Union Federation and the Río Baker Cooperative.
In 2016, Marcelo received the Native Forest Award from the AIFBN Board of Directors for his exemplary work in the Aysén Region, significantly improving the quality of life for rural communities linked to native Patagonian forests and enhancing AIFBN's influence as a civil society environmental entity in Aysén.
His motivation lies in creating better living conditions and opportunities for people and addressing territorial demands in a participatory, solidarity-driven, and sustainable manner. He has published technical and scientific material on topics such as protected area tourism, aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna, NTFPs, and historical identity and memory related to forest products. Additionally, he has supervised undergraduate theses.
Marcelo's areas of interest include non-timber forest products (NTFPs)