Universidad Autonoma de Manizales
Institution - General description:
The Universidad Autonoma de Manizales, UAM® established in 1979, is a Colombian university that offers undergraduate and graduate academic programs in engineering, social and business studies, and health. Its program offering includes technological, undergraduate, specialization, master and doctoral training, both in face-to-face, remote and hybrid modalities. UAM has had high quality institutional accreditation granted by the Ministry of National Education-MEN since 2015. The research is led by 15 groups recognized by the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation, supported in the laboratories. The Experimental and Computational Mechanics Laboratory supports research not only in engineering but also in health and environmental studies. The UAM also has a Center for Environmental Studies (CEA), a Center for Innovation and Productivity (TRIUAM) and a Center for Technological Development (INNVESTIGA) that support research and university social extension. UAM® has an academic mobility unit, which has international programs such as "Delfin" in which 10 thousand registered researchers and 55 thousand students from 6 American countries participate, "International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IASTE)" linked to more than 80 countries in the world, among others. The institutional mission seeks knowledge management, inclusion, peace and sustainable development to contribute to the education of ethical citizens and entrepreneurs with critical and innovative thinking in a framework of social responsibility.
- Main website: https://www.autonoma.edu.co/
- Link to Research Unit: https://www.autonoma.edu.co/investigacion
- Faculty of Engineering: https://www.autonoma.edu.co/programas-academicos?facultad=70&modalidad=All&tipo-de-programa=All
Team Bio:
The Pilot Project for the Colombian Coffee Axis region is supported by the UAM research team. For this pilot the following tasks have been identified: Site-level mapping in coffee crops using microtopography; monitoring of harvest workers; risk management, landslides and fire monitoring; Hydrological balance to evaluate the impacts on coffee production; Environmental footprint of coffee in Caldas; Vegetation index.
The UAM research team of the community project belongs to the Department of Mechanics and Production, which is part of the Faculty of Engineering. This Department focuses on the generation, appropriation and dissemination of science, technology and engineering, in the mechanical and industrial areas. The department's professors are linked to the Mechanical Design and Industrial Development research group, also called Archytas, which is a research group accredited by the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation.
The Experimental and Computational Mechanics Laboratory (ECML) supports the academic processes in this department, as well as in this research group. In university extension or social projection, the ECML is connected with TRIUAM, Innovation and Productivity Center and INNVESTIGA, Technological Development Center.
The ECML was created in 2017 by the senior researcher, Hector A. Tinoco, through project funding from the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MINCIENCIAS, COLOMBIA) and UAM® support. The laboratory was created to respond with practical solutions aimed at research, innovation and technological development through strategic alliances that strengthen scientific and technical capabilities.
The projects developed by ECML are oriented to biomedical engineering, materials, medicine, energy solutions, mechanical vibrations, technological devices, applied mechanics. ECML has developed five projects funded by MINCIENCIAS, it has had international cooperation with institutions such as IPM (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), University of Lavras (Brazil), University of Salzburg (Austria), among others, partnership with national companies such as Mylabs, 3i Ideas Innovadoras, and others. In addition to results in the research area such as six patents (4 patented and in process), articles published in high impact international journals and participation in international congresses.
ECML provides services in 3D printing (prototypes), reverse engineering, experimental mechanics, computational mechanics and simulation, applied engineering, development of technological projects and research for industries and academic projects.
Bio - individual team members:
Our team is composed of: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hector Andres Tinoco (Lead WP4), Full Professor Dr. Olga Ocampo, Ing. Lina Berrío Ph.D. (WP4).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hector Andres Tinoco Navarro is currently working as a Professor at UAM®. Hector Andres Tinoco received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (UAM), Manizales-Caldas, Colombia, in 2005 and M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Computational Mechanics oriented to piezoelectric materials applications in University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 2011. His PH.D. It was carried out at the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), a research centre associated with Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czechia, respectively. Since 2015, He has been working as Scientific Director at the Experimental and Computational Mechanics Laboratory (co-founder) at the UAM. He was a researcher at the Institute of Physics of Materials of the Czech Academy of Sciences, joined in 2017 until 2021. He has been a visiting researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), University of Newcastle (Australia), Central European Institute of Technology (Czech Republic), Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–NürnberG (Germany) among others stays. His research interests include modelling and simulation of Multiphysics systems, bio-structural health monitoring, mechanical vibrations, optimization applied to structural analysis, energy harvesting applications, and mechanical properties of materials. His publications in high-impact scientific journals, as well as in international conferences, have been highlighted.
Expertise: Mechanical Design and Computational Mechanics; Experimental Mechanics,
coffee characterization processes.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hector-andres-tinoco-38404a21/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hector-Tinoco-2
Scholar Google: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QEDsaVYAAAAJ&hl=es

Full Prof. Dr. Olga Ocampo is the coordinator of the TRIUAM Innovation and Productivity Center, coordinator of the Doctorate in Sustainability and supports the Center for Environmental Studies. Professor Ocampo has been linked to the Department of Mechanics and Production of the UAM for 14 years. She obtained her doctorate in Engineering at the National University of Colombia, where she also studied a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering and a specialization in Environmental Engineering. She worked for 15 years as Director of Research and Development in a coffee exporting company. Her scientific publications include studies of climate change, hydrological processes, productive chains and sectoral innovation.
Expertise: Climate Change, Hydrological process, coffee processes
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/olgaocampolopez/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ocampo-Ol
Scholar Google: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=-WBphzAAAAAJ&hl=es

Prof. Ing. Lina Berrio is the leader of the Entrepreneurship Research group. She is linked to the Administration department. She is a Food Engineer, with a Master's Degree in Business Administration and is currently a PhD student in Sustainability. She worked for several years in quality in a coffee exporting company. The research projects focus on competitiveness issues in manufacturing companies and agro-industrial production chains. She is currently, advancing projects and research that involve circular economy issues
Expertise: manufacture process, competitiveness, quality coffee
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lina-Berrio-Rios
Institutional social media links:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/universidad-autonoma-de-manizales/?originalSubdomain=co
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UAMManizales/?locale=es_LA
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uammanizales/?hl=es
- Other/s: https://x.com/uammanizales?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor